Prüvit – Pure Theraputic Ketones


The very highest quality, most bio-available exogenous ketones on the market have been a staple for me through my cancer journey, and beyond!  In fact, I largely attribute how great I felt throughout my cancer treatment to the fact that I was diligently drinking these pure, therapeutic ketones every day!!!  In fact, I had started to experience the benefits (more energy, less bloating, better sleep, less cravings, reduced inflammation, better focus) shortly before my diagnosis, and I was hooked!! But then cancer happened.  And, since I was in research mode, I started to research a little bit about ketones and cancer, and wouldn’t you know it…there is a lot of evidence to show that ketones are super beneficial for cell health, and cancer doesn’t like them.  So,  I was able to drink them to protect my healthy cells during chemo, AND introduce extra ketones to my system to hopefully help fight off the bad cancer cells.  Sounds like a win/win to me!  Oh, and did I mention how amazing they make me feel?  Not a day goes by that I don’t shake up this magical drink!


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